He has dedicated his medical career to onco-hematology. He became junior staff at Instituto de Investigaciones Hematològicas de Buenos Aires and was involved in acute leukemias and lymphomas. Part of international education was in Maryland Cancer Center, the Stanford University Cancer Center and the University Hospital in Seattle. He formed part of Grupo Argentino de Tratamiento de Leucemias Agudas (GATLA) and the Latin American Cancer Research Program (LACRIP). Since 1992, he became staff of CEMIC in Buenos Aires, where he also served as head of the Hematology, Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit and Transfusion Medicine Department (2015-22). He has been Vice (2019-21) and President (2021-23) of the Sociedad Argentina de Hematologìa. Indexed publications 24, published book chapters 4. Multiple national and international meeting abstracts. Teaching present activity: Hematology Specialist Career: Director, at IUC, Instituto Universitario CEMIC.
Cecilia Guillermo
Curriculum Vitae:
Is a specialist in Hematology, Clinical Pathology Laboratory and Bone Marrow Transplantation. She joined the University Hematology Department 34 years ago and has been instrumental in its inclusion in the GURU-CLL group and the development of the clinical aspects of CLL research in Uruguay.
Dr. Guillermo is a member of several professional societies, including ASH, EHA, and SHU. She is past president of the Uruguayan Society of Hematology (2015-2017).
She has published numerous articles in national and international journals.
Obtuvo su título de médico de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en al año 1990. Completó la residencia de Clínica Médica en el Hospital Privado de Comunidad de Mar del Plata en el año 1993. Realizo un fellow de Hematologia y trasplante en Fundaleu 1993-1994. Completó su especialización en Hematología y Oncología durante tres años en St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center (Universidad de Tufts) de la ciudad de Boston; USA del año 1994 al año 1997. Realizó entrenamiento en Trasplante de Médula Ósea en el Dana Farber Cancer Institute de Boston, Massachusetts durante 3 meses en al año 1996.
Realizo durante el año 2002 el Programa de Dirección de Empresas de Salud del Htal Austral (DIRES). Actualmente es Director Médico y Científico de FUNDALEU. Sus áreas de interés son LLC, Linfoma del Manto y Folicular, enfermedad de Waldenstrom, Linfoma Anaplasico y Mieloproliferativos, patologias en las que ha participado en numerosos ensayos clínicos como investigador principal (JUMP, HELIOS; SHINE; ACE-LY 308 y ACE-CL 311). Es miembro activo de la Sociedad Argentina de Hematología, American Society of Hematology (ASH), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) y European Society of Hematology (EHA).
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Optimization of time-limited treatment strategies, use of MRD
Hematologist & Oncologist. Academic researcher from University of Cologne. Member of the German CLL study group. Principal investigator of phase I l and I l l trials. Key contributor to the CLLI 4 study
Head of the Hematology Department at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Head of the Hematology Department at IOB Institute of Oncology, Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain- Francesc Bosch holds the position of Head of the Hematology Department at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, as well as Head of the Hematology Department at IOB Institute of Oncology. Additionally, he serves as a Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Dr. Bosch earned his medical degree from the University of Barcelona Medical School in 1988. In 1997, he was awarded a PhD by the University of Barcelona for his research on the over-expression of Cyclin D1 in chronic lymphoproliferative disorders. He completed a two-year postdoctoral stay at the laboratory of Professor Riccardo Dalla Favera at the Institute of Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, New York, USA. Subsequently, he continued his research in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) at Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, starting from 2000. In September 2009, Dr. Bosch assumed the role of Head of the Department of Hematology and Director of the Experimental Hematology Laboratory at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona. Renowned for his expertise in CLL, Dr. Bosch conducts both clinical and basic research, focusing on the molecular pathogenesis of CLL and the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. Presently, Dr. Bosch serves as the Chair of the Spanish CLL Working Group (GELLC), overseeing the development of clinical trials related to CLL in Spain. He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Medicine, Cancer Cell, Blood, Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Leukemia. Additionally, he has authored or co-authored numerous reviews and book chapters on CLL and other lymphoproliferative disorders